November 5, 2020 – Announcing the Release of Barman v2.12
October 29, 2020 – EDB to Host Free Virtual Conference for PostgreSQL Users in Europe
October 29, 2020 – Announcing the Release of OmniDB 3.0
October 22, 2020 – Announcing the Release of repmgr 5.2.0
October 5, 2020 – Announcing the Release of pglogical 2.3.3
September 24, 2020 – 2ndQuadrant contributes major features to PostgreSQL 13
July 9, 2020 – Announcing the Release of Barman v2.11
May 21, 2020 – Announcing Postgres Installer for PostgreSQL 13 Beta 1
April 13, 2020 – Announcing the Release of repmgr 5.1
February 19, 2020 – Announcing the Release of pglogical 2.3
December 19, 2019 – 2ndQuadrant Becomes 1st KCSP for PostgreSQL
December 10, 2019 – OmniDB 2.17 Available – Now with Support for PostgreSQL 12
December 5, 2019 – Announcing the Release of Barman v2.10
October 15, 2019 – repmgr 5.0 released: Now with support for PostgreSQL 12
October 3, 2019 – 2ndQuadrant Contributes Major Features to PostgreSQL 12
August 8, 2019 – Announcing Postgres Installer with New Security and Feature Updates
August 1, 2019 – Announcing the release of Barman v2.9
July 26, 2019 – 2ndQuadrant partners with Thales using BDR for advanced Data Security application
July 25, 2019 – Announcing the release of pglogical 2.2.2
June 27, 2019 – Announcing the release of repmgr 4.4
June 20, 2019 – Announcing Postgres Installer with New Security Updates
June 13, 2019 – Announcing the release of OmniDB 2.16
May 27, 2019 – Announcing Postgres Installer for PostgreSQL 12 Beta 1
May 22, 2019 – 2ndQuadrant listed amongst the 20 Most Promising IBM Solution Providers 2019
May 17, 2019 – Announcing the release of Barman v2.8
April 18, 2019 – Announcing the release of OmniDB 2.15
April 2, 2019 – Announcing the release of repmgr 4.3
March 21, 2019 – Announcing the Release of Barman v2.7
February 15, 2019 – Announcing the release of OmniDB 2.14
February 4, 2019 – Barman v2.6 – Now with Support for Geo-redundancy
December 20, 2018 – Announcing the release of OmniDB 2.13
November 9, 2018 – Announcing Postgres Installer Updates for PostgreSQL 9.5, 9.6, 10 and 11
October 31, 2018 – 2ndQuadrant partners with frontrunner in online trading to boost PostgreSQL performance by 400%!
October 29, 2018 – pglogical 2.2.1 Released – Now with support for PostgreSQL 11
October 25, 2018 – Announcing the release of Postgres-XL 10R1
October 24, 2018 – repmgr 4.2 – Now with support for PostgreSQL 11
October 23, 2018 – Announcing the Release of OmniDB 2.12
October 23, 2018 – Barman v2.5 – Now with Support for PostgreSQL 11
October 19, 2018 – Postgres Installer – Now available for PostgreSQL 11
October 18, 2018 – 2ndQuadrant contributes major features to PostgreSQL 11
October 15, 2018 – Postgres Installer – Now Available for PostgreSQL 11 RC1
September 20, 2018 – Postgres Installer – Now Available for PostgreSQL 11 Beta 4
September 17, 2018 – Announcing the release of Postgres-XL 10R1Beta1
September 11, 2018 – Postgres Installer – Now with LDAP and Kerberos Support
September 5, 2018 – Announcing the Release of repmgr 4.1.1
August 23, 2018 – Announcing OmniDB 2.11 – Now with Support for PostgreSQL 11
August 21, 2018 – CFP deadline for 2ndQuadrant PostgreSQL Conference has been extended!
August 9, 2018 – PGInstaller, now available with OmniDB Support
July 31, 2018 – Announcing the Release of repmgr 4.1
July 26, 2018 – Announcing the Release of OmniDB 2.10
July 10, 2018 – PGInstaller, now available with PostGIS Support
June 29, 2018 – Announcing PGInstaller for PostgreSQL 11 Beta 2
June 26, 2018 – Announcing the Release of BDR 1.0.6
June 19, 2018 – Announcing OmniDB 2.9 – Now with Plugin Support
June 14, 2018 – Announcing the Release of repmgr 4.0.6
June 07, 2018 – 2ndQuadrant PostgreSQL Conference 2018 officially opens Call for Papers and Registration
May 30, 2018 – 2ndQuadrant Postgres-BDR selected by leading Chilean telecommunications company
May 25, 2018 – Announcing the Release of Barman v2.4
May 17, 2018 – OmniDB 2.8 Available – Now with Support for 3rd Generation Postgres-BDR
May 10, 2018 – Announcing The Release of 2UDA for PostgreSQL 10.4, 9.6.9, 9.5.13
May 3, 2018 – Announcing The Release of repmgr 4.0.5
April 19, 2018 – 2ndQuadrant announces 3rd generation of Postgres-BDR
April 12, 2018 – OmniDB 2.7 Released – Now with improved security and debugging features
March 20, 2018 – Announcing the Release of pglogical 2.2
March 16, 2018 – Announcing the Release of BDR 1.0.5
March 15, 2018 – Announcing the Release of OmniDB 2.6
March 9, 2018 – Announcing the Release of repmgr 4.0.4
March 1, 2018 – Announcing the Release of 2UDA for PostgreSQL 10.3, 9.6.8, and 9.5.12
February 15, 2018 – Announcing the Release of repmgr 4.0.3
February 12, 2018 – OmniDB 2.5 Released – Now with Support for Oracle Databases
January 18, 2018 – Announcing the Release of repmgr 4.0.2
January 16, 2018 – Announcing the Release of OmniDB 2.4.1
January 11, 2018 – Announcing the Release of pglogical 2.1.1
December 13, 2017 – Announcing the Release of repmgr 4.0.1
December 7, 2017 – Announcing The Release Of OmniDB 2.4
December 5, 2017 – PostgreSQL webinar covering JSON Data Types announced by 2ndQuadrant
November 29, 2017 – 2ndQuadrant enlisted by internationally recognized polar and marine research institute
November 22, 2017 – Announcing the Release of Postgres-BDR 9.4.15
November 21, 2017 – 2ndQuadrant Announces the Release of repmgr 4.0
November 10, 2017 – Announcing The Release of 2UDA for PostgreSQL 10.1, 9.6.6, and 9.5.10
November 2, 2017 – Announcing the Release of OmniDB 2.3
October 30, 2017 – Announcing the Release of BDR 1.0.3
October 19, 2017 – 2ndQuadrant CEO Simon Riggs to give keynote at PGConf.EU
October 12, 2017 – Announcing the Release of OmniDB 2.2
October 11, 2017 – Announcing the Release of repmgr v4.0 Beta
October 10, 2017 – 2ndQuadrant CEO Simon Riggs to Speak at PGDay.IT
October 9, 2017 – 2ndQuadrant Announces the Release of pglogical 2.1
October 9, 2017 – Announcing the Release of 2UDA for PostrgreSQL 10
October 5, 2017 – 2ndQuadrant contributes major features to PostgreSQL 10
September 28, 2017 – Schedule for 2ndQuadrant PostgreSQL Conference 2017 Announced
September 21, 2017 – Announcing The Release of 2UDA for PostgreSQL 10 RC1
September 12, 2017 – Announcing the Release of OmniDB 2.1
September 5, 2017 – Announcing the Release of Barman v2.3
August 31, 2017 – 2ndQuadrant Achieves Best-in-Class Net Promoter Score
August 28, 2017 – Announcing The Release of Postgres-XL 9.5r1.6
August 25, 2017 – Announcing The Release of BDR 9.4.13
August 22, 2017 – 2ndQuadrant Announces the Release of OmniDB
August 10, 2017 – Announcing Release of 2UDA 9.5.8, 9.6.4 and PostgreSQL 10 Beta 3
July 27, 2017 – Announcing 2ndQuadrant PostgreSQL Conference 2017
July 17, 2017 – Announcing the Release of Barman 2.2
July 14, 2017 – Case study – Global Award winning digital studio chooses BDR!
July 13, 2017 – Announcing The Release of 2UDA Beta 2 for PostgreSQL 10
July 12, 2017 – Announcing the release of BDR 2.0
July 5, 2017 – Announcing the Release of Postgres-XL 10 alpha
June 8, 2017 – Announcing the release of repmgr 3.3.2
June 7, 2017 – Announcing the release of pglogical 2.0.1
May 18, 2017 – Announcing the release of 2UDA version 10 Beta 1
May 18, 2017 – Announcing the release of BDR 9.4.12
May 11, 2017 – Announcing the release of 2UDA 9.6.3 and 9.5.7
May 4, 2017 – Announcing the Release of pglogical 2.0
April 28, 2017 – Book release! PostgreSQL 9 Administration Cookbook – Third Edition
April 27, 2017 – Announcing the release of 2ndQPostgres
April 20, 2017 – Announcing the Release of Postgres-XL 9.5r1.5
March 24, 2017 – Announcing The Release of Postgres-BDR 9.4
March 23, 2017 – Announcing The Release Of repmgr 3.3.1
February 9, 2017 – Announcing The Release of 2UDA 9.6.2 and 9.6.5
January 11, 2017 – New Service Launched – PostgreSQL Security Audit
January 6, 2017 – Announcing The Release Of repmgr 3.3
January 5, 2017 – Barman v2.1 Announced
January 4, 2017 – Announcing The Release Of pglogical 1.2.2
Postgres-XL 9.5 R1.3 Announced!
Oxford, United Kingdom – August 16, 2016
The Postgres-XL community is pleased to announce a security update of the software, tagged as 9.5R1.3. Besides bug fixes, this release catches up with the community release of PostgreSQL 9.5.4 including all the core server’s security & bug fixes. We encourage everyone to immediately upgrade to this latest release. Being a minor release, you only need to download the latest sources from, compile, install new binaries and restart your servers. Please note, there was a slight change to the on-disk representation of views/rules in R1.2, so if you’re upgrading from pre-1.2 release, you will need to do a fresh initdb or recreate the failing objects. Upgrading from R1.2 to R1.3 should not require initdb.
Postgres-BDR 9.4 1.0 Released
Oxford, United Kingdom – August 11, 2016
Bi-Directional Replication for PostgreSQL (Postgres-BDR, or BDR) is the first open source multi-master replication system for PostgreSQL to reach full production status, developed by 2ndQuadrant and assisted by a keen user community. BDR is specifically designed for use in geographically distributed clusters, using highly efficient asynchronous logical replication, supporting anything from 2-48 nodes in a distributed database.
What’s New?
Significant improvements related to stability and bug fixes have been made in this release. The most important factors of this release are:
- Smoother handling of schema changes (DDL) statements allowing increased operational stability and reduced maintenance.
- Various bug fixes for operational issues demonstrating high level of maturity
- Performance tuning, especially of global sequence handling
- Removal of the now deprecated UDR
- Extensive documentation improvements based upon user feedback
For a more comprehensive list of release notes, please click here
Support And Release Schedule
Postgres-BDR 9.4 1.0 will be supported until December 2019, when PostgreSQL 9.4 goes EOL. BDR continues to be developed and BDR9.6 will be released within 6 months. The BDR project has already delivered the majority of its code into PostgreSQL core, though it will likely be about 2-3 more years before this functionality is available in PostgreSQL core.
Is BDR Right for You?
BDR is well suited for databases where:
- Data is distributed globally
- Majority of data is written to only one node at a time (For example, the US node mostly writes changes to US customers, each branch office writes mostly to branch-office-specific data, and so on.)
- There is a need for SELECTs over complete data set (lookups and consolidation)
- There are OLTP workloads with many smaller transactions
- Transactions mostly touching non overlapping sets of data
- There is partition and latency tolerance
However, this is not a comprehensive list and use cases for BDR can vary based on database type and functionality.
In addition, BDR aids business continuity by providing increased availability during network faults. Applications can be closer to the data and more responsive for users, allowing for a much more satisfying end-user experience.
Professional support for BDR
BDR is developed and supported by 2ndQuadrant. 2ndQuadrant provides professional support for BDR, as well as consultation and training. With our deep knowledge of distributed databases, we will ensure that you are able to evaluate your use case and applications and determine the most suitable product or solution.
BDR is also available in 2ndQuadrant Cloud, initially on AWS.
For more information, please visit the homepage:
repmgr 3.1.4 released
Oxford, United Kingdom – July 12, 2016
2ndQuadrant, the leading developers of PostgreSQL, are delighted to announce the release of repmgr 3.1.4 – the most popular tool for PostgreSQL failover management.
First introduced in 2010, repmgr helps DBAs and System Administrators manage a cluster of PostgreSQL databases. By taking advantage of the Hot Standby capability introduced in PostgreSQL 9, repmgr greatly simplifies the process of setting up and managing databases with high availability and scalability requirements.
Several improvements and bug fixes have been implemented, particularly better path handling and node shutdown detection during switchover operations. Please click here to view the release notes.
Announcing the availability of Postgres-XL 9.5 R1.1
Oxford, United Kingdom – May 12, 2016
The Postgres-XL community has released a new version of the software, tagged as 9.5r1.1. This is a minor update to earlier 9.5r1 release, but contains some very important bug fixes. We encourage everyone to immediately upgrade to this latest release. Being a minor release, you only need to download the latest sources from , compile, install new binaries and restart your servers. So it should be fairly straight forward.
Announcing the release of pglogical 1.1
Oxford, United Kingdom – May 2, 2016
2ndQuadrant, the leading developers of PostgreSQL, are delighted to announce the release of pglogical 1.1 – the next generation in replication systems for PostgreSQL.
The 1.1 release brings new features along with bug fixes to pglogical. Same salient features are listed below:
- Sequence replication support
- Support for replica triggers
- Foreign keys are no longer checked on the replica
- Multiple subscriptions between single pair of nodes
- The create_subscription function does not synchronize structure change by default
- User can specify affected replication sets in replicate_ddl_command function
- New functions for manipulating connection strings of nodes
- PGLogical processes are clearly marked in the pg_stat_activity
- Better behavior on worker crashes
- Logging improvements
- Ubuntu Xenial package
pglogical offers Logical Replication as a PostgreSQL extension, which provides the flexibility of trigger-based replication with the efficiency of log-based replication. This ground-breaking new technology has benefits for many key use cases
- UPGRADE Upgrade PostgreSQL from 9.4 to 9.5, without downtime
- SCALE OUT Copy all or a selection of database tables to other nodes in a cluster
- AGGREGATE Accumulate changes from sharded database servers into a Data Warehouse
- INTEGRATE Feed database changes in real-time to other systems
pglogical is open source and available for download as binary packages for PostgreSQL 9.4 and 9.5 versions. Visit for more detail.
2ndQuadrant’s respected 24/7 Production Support provides the fastest and highest rated response service for PostgreSQL anywhere and is available now worldwide.
2ndQuadrant leads the drive for improving the enterprise functionality for PostgreSQL, contributing major features every year in performance, replication, business intelligence and usability.
Postgres-XL 9.5 R1 Released
Oxford, United Kingdom – April 18, 2016
The Postgres-XL community is pleased to announce the 1st release of Postgres-XL 9.5. This release has been fully synced up till PostgreSQL 9.5.2.
Postgres-XL is a massively parallel database built on top of, and very closely compatible with PostgreSQL 9.5 and its set of advanced features. Postgres-XL is fully open source and many parts of it will feed back directly or indirectly into later releases of PostgreSQL, as we begin to move towards a fully parallel sharded version of core PostgreSQL.
Postgres-XL is different because it supports both Business Intelligence and OLTP workloads in the same horizontally scalable server. This allows Postgres-XL to support a diverse range of workloads
- OLTP workloads that need write-scalability as well as read-scalability
- Business Intelligence requiring OLAP with massive parallelism
- Operational Data Store/ Central Data Backbone
- Distributed Key-Value store using JSONB, similar to NoSQL
- Internet of Things applications
- Mixed-workload environments
Star schema style SQL queries exhibit large performance gains from massively parallel processing (MPP). Many queries show fully linear performance gains, for example a 16-node XL cluster is 16 times faster than PostgreSQL on one node. Postgres-XL is able to successfully complete the complex TPC-H business intelligence benchmark, showing its capability to address much more than basic operations.
Besides proving its mettle on Business Intelligence workloads, Postgres-XL has performed remarkably well on OLTP workloads when running pgBench (based on TPC-B) benchmark. In a 4-Node (Scale: 4000) configuration, compared to PostgreSQL, XL gives up to 230% higher TPS (-70% latency comparison) for SELECT workloads and up to 130% (-56% latency comparison) for UPDATE workloads. Yet, it can scale much, much higher than even the largest single node server.
Postgres-XL’s High Availability functionality has also been enhanced in this release. Popular features such as BRIN indexes, JSONB and GIN index compression are fully supported, as are many popular extensions.
Postgres-XL is available for download here:
You can go through XL’s comprehensive documentation here:
We expect R2 to bring further features to Postgres-XL 9.5 in the next few months.
2ndQuadrant has led the development of Postgres-XL 9.5, building upon the work of many others over a long period of continuous development, with easily more than 10 man years of development. After six months of professional formal alpha-level testing & tuning, and an additional 2 months in Beta phase with user feedback, the project has now reached the next stage of maturity and we are now ready to release it for production use.
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2015) under grant agreement n° 318633. Postgres-XL has also received support and assistance from European Space Agency’s Gaia project, as well as other users in industry.
For more details, please visit:
Postgres-XL 9.5 R1 Beta2 Announced
Oxford, United Kingdom – March 29, 2016
The Postgres-XL community is pleased to announce the 2nd Beta release of Postgres-XL 9.5 R1.
Postgres-XL is a massively parallel database built on top of, and very closely compatible with PostgreSQL 9.5 and its set of advanced features. Postgres-XL is fully open source and many parts of it will feed back directly or indirectly into later releases of PostgreSQL, as we begin to move towards a fully parallel sharded version of core PostgreSQL.
Some of the major enhancements that went into the Beta2 release are:
- Improve handling of Append and MergeAppend plans. They are now pushed down to the datanodes whenever possible.
- Add support for 3-stage aggregation for json_agg() aggregate, thus improving performance for the aggregate handling.
- Add support for checking status of a coordinator or datanode standby without requiring it to be started as a Hot Standby.
- Fix a bug in parameter handling, which was causing certain errors in plpgsql procedure execution.
- Correctly include the string terminator in calculating GID size, without which the GID will look corrupted and unusable after a crash recovery.
- Fix handling of binary data transfer for JDBC as well as libpq protocols.
- Add support for process level control for overriding log levels for elog messages.
For a more detailed list, please look at the release notes here:
Postgres-XL is available for download here:
You can go through XL’s comprehensive documentation here:
2ndQuadrant has led the development of Postgres-XL 9.5, building upon the work of many others over a long period of continuous development, with easily more than 10 man years of development.
We encourage users to contribute their comments and usage reports to the Postgres-XL community at [email protected].
Barman 1.6.0 Released
Oxford, United Kingdom – February 29, 2016
2ndQuadrant is proud to announce the release of version 1.6.0 of Barman, Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL.
This major release introduces WAL streaming support, improving disaster recovery capabilities of PostgreSQL backup solutions based on Barman, by reducing Recovery _Point Objective_ consistently to nearly 0. Currently, Barman still requires standard WAL archiving based on PostgreSQL’s archive_command. This limitation will be removed once Barman supports replication slots (available from PostgreSQL 9.4).
Barman 1.6.0 introduces also support to _pigz_ compression, as well as Python-native gzip and bzip2 compression algorithms.
Minor bugs have also been fixed.
For a complete list of changes, see the « Release Notes » section below.
- Website:
- Download:
- Documentation:
- Man page, section 1:
- Man page, section 5:
- Support:
- pgespresso extension:
Release notes
- Support for streaming replication connection through the streaming_conninfo server option
- Support for the streaming_archiver option that allows Barman to receive WAL files through PostgreSQL’s native streaming protocol. When set to ‘on’, it relies on pg_receivexlog to receive WAL data, reducing Recovery Point Objective. Currently, WAL streaming is an additional feature (standard log archiving is still required)
- Implement the receive-wal command that, when streaming_archiver is on, wraps pg_receivexlog for WAL streaming. Add –stop option to stop receiving WAL files via streaming protocol. Add –reset option to reset the streaming status and restart from the current xlog in Postgres.
- Automatic management (startup and stop) of receive-wal command via cron command
- Support for the path_prefix configuration option
- Introduction of the archiver option (currently fixed to on) which enables continuous WAL archiving for a specific server, through log shipping via PostgreSQL’s archive_command
- Support for streaming_wals_directory and errors_directory options
- Management of WAL duplicates in archive-wal command and integration with check command
- Verify if pg_receivexlog is running in check command when streaming_archiver is enabled
- Verify if failed backups are present in check command
- Accept compressed WAL files in incoming directory
- Add support for the pigz compressor (thanks to Stefano Zacchiroli [email protected])
- Implement pygzip and pybzip2 compressors (based on an initial idea of Christoph Moench-Tegeder [email protected])
- Creation of an implicit restore point at the end of a backup
- Current size of the PostgreSQL data files in barman status
- Permit archive_mode=always for PostgreSQL 9.5 servers (thanks to Christoph Moench-Tegeder [email protected])
- Complete refactoring of the code responsible for connecting to PostgreSQL
- Improve messaging of cron command regarding sub-processes
- Native support for Python >= 3.3
- Changes of behaviour:
- Stop trashing WAL files during archive-wal (commit:e3a1d16)
- Bug fixes:
- Atomic WAL file archiving (#9 and #12)
- Propagate « -c » option to any Barman subprocess (#19)
- Fix management of backup ID during backup deletion (#22)
- Improve archive-wal robustness and log messages (#24)
- Improve error handling in case of missing parameters
- Release Notes:
- Sources:
- RPMs for RHEL/CentOS 5:
- RPMs for RHEL/CentOS 6:
- PyPI:
- pgespresso on PostgreSQL Extension framework (PGXN):
- pgespresso RPM/Debian packages:
- Online documentation:
- PDF documentation:
BARMAN (Backup and Recovery Manager) is an open source administration tool for disaster recovery of PostgreSQL servers written in Python. It allows your organisation to perform remote backups of multiple servers in business critical environments and help DBAs during the recovery phase. Barman’s most requested features include backup catalogues, incremental backup, retention policies, remote backup and recovery, archiving and compression of WAL files and backups. Barman is distributed under GNU GPL 3.
Postgres-XL 9.5 R1 Beta1 Announced
Oxford, United Kingdom – February 18, 2016
The Postgres-XL community is pleased to announce Postgres-XL 9.5 R1 Beta 1.
Postgres-XL is a massively parallel database built on top of, and very closely compatible with PostgreSQL 9.5 and its set of advanced features. Postgres-XL is fully open source and many parts of it will feed back directly or indirectly into later releases of PostgreSQL, as we begin to move towards a fully parallel sharded version of core PostgreSQL.
Postgres-XL is different because it supports both Business Intelligence and OLTP workloads in the same horizontally scalable server. This allows Postgres-XL to support a diverse range of workloads
- OLTP workloads that need write-scalability as well as read-scalability
- Business Intelligence requiring OLAP with massive parallelism
- Operational Data Store/ Central Data Backbone
- Distributed Key-Value store using JSONB, similar to NoSQL
- Internet of Things applications
- Mixed-workload environments
Star schema style SQL queries exhibit large performance gains from massively parallel processing (MPP). Many queries show fully linear performance gains, for example a 16-node XL cluster is 16 times faster than PostgreSQL on one node. Postgres-XL is able to successfully complete the complex TPC-H business intelligence benchmark, showing its capability to address much more than basic operations.
Postgres-XL’s High Availability functionality has also been enhanced in this release. Popular features such as BRIN indexes, JSONB and GIN index compression are fully supported, as are many popular extensions.
Postgres-XL is available for download here:
You can go through XL’s comprehensive documentation here:
2ndQuadrant has led the development of Postgres-XL 9.5, building upon the work of many others over a long period of continuous development, with easily more than 10 man years of development. After six months of professional formal alpha-level testing and tuning, the project has now reached the next stage of maturity and we are now ready to have initial users contribute their comments and usage reports to the Postgres-XL community at [email protected].
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2015) under grant agreement n° 318633. Postgres-XL has also received support and assistance from European Space Agency’s Gaia project, as well as other users in industry.
For more details, please visit:
2UDA 9.5.1 Released
Oxford, United Kingdom – February 11, 2016
2ndQuadrant, the leading developers of open source PostgreSQL, today announced the release of 2UDA 9.5.1, which contains the latest point release for PostgreSQL database server. This release updates the packaged PostgreSQL server to 9.5.1 containing fixes to two security issues, as well as several bugs found over the last four months.
Detailed release notes can be found here:
2ndQuadrant Unified Data Analytics (2UDA) is a data analytics application suite that unifies databases, spreadsheets, data mining and visualisation in one seamless desktop installer. 2UDA (pronounced ‘tudor’) is packaged and ready to install on your personal computer, with a choice of operating systems: Linux, OSX and Windows. Once installed, 2UDA gives users access to the dramatic data visualisation and data mining capabilities of Orange 3, working directly against the powerful PostgreSQL 9.5 relational database, as well as spreadsheet function of LibreOffice 5 Calc, 2UDA provides all three of these open source applications through one, easy to use installation package.
To know more, please visit:
pglogical 1.0.1 Released
Oxford, United Kingdom – January 22, 2016
2ndQuadrant, the leading developers of open source PostgreSQL, has released a hotfix to the previously announced (and first release) of pglogical.
pglogical is a logical replication system implemented entirely as a PostgreSQL extension. Fully integrated, it requires no triggers or external programs. This alternative to physical replication is a highly efficient method of replicating data using a publish/subscribe model for selective replication.
We are extremely grateful to all early adopters and users of pglogical for both providing positive comments and essential feedback on any issues spotted.
Along with our our continuous internal testing, the feedback has brought our attention to a number of bugs which are now resolved in this new release.
These important bug fixes, incorporated in this new release include:
- Fixing crash on multi-column primary keys
- Moving the DDL commands enqueued by pglogical.replicate_ddl_command to new predefined replication set called ddl_sql
- More predictable application_name for easier monitoring and setup of synchronous replication using the standard synchronous_standby_names configuration parameter
- Various fixes in documentation
- Fixing compatibility with some other extensions (e.g. pg_sslstatus)
- Fixing crash in origin tracking in cascaded setups
- Improving compile-time compatibility with 9.5 PGDG Debian packages
- Fixing relcache invalidation on the subscriber
- Fixing hanging synchonizer backround worker after individual table was added to replication and synchronization has finished
- Making tests work correctly for cross-version installations
To download pglogical 1.0.1 or to find out more about about this ground-breaking replication technology click here.
2UDA 9.5 Released
Oxford, United Kingdom – January 07, 2016
2ndQuadrant is pleased to announce the General Availability release of 2UDA 9.5. 2UDA (2ndQuadrant Unified Data Analytics) is a data analytics application suite that unifies databases, spreadsheets, data mining and visualisation in one seamless desktop installer.
This new release continues to provide easy installation of three open source applications for visual data analysis: PostgreSQL 9.5, Orange 3. and LibreOffice 5, which together offer a powerful combination of database, data visualization and spreadsheet in a single, easy-to-use package.
Following the General Availability release of PostgreSQL 9.5 today , the development team are pleased to offer a number of improvements to take advantage of the latest PostgreSQL features, creating a highly stable product and fixing discovered and reported bugs in previous releases of 2UDA.
Significant improvements to Orange address the requests for additional features and now include:
- Scatter Plot’s Rank projections supports regression data and missing values
- Logistic regression has a new output for the fitted coefficients
- Bootstrap sampling in the Data Sampler widget
- Additional information in the SQL log (when in debug mode)
- Better handling of approximate SQL table sizes (run ANALYZE after sampling, fix bug in Data Table)
- Fix bug when setting the color variable in Classification Tree Graph
- Fix in implementation of RReliefF
- Redesign of SVM widgets layout
- Various fixes for compatibility with newest numpy and scipy
Libre Office
This is the fourth bugfix release of the 5.0.x branch of LibreOffice which contains new features and program enhancements. As such, the version is stable and is suitable for all users. Detailed release notes can be accessed here.
We are particularly appreciative of users trialling 2UDA and providing valuable feedback to the development team, on all of the previous pre-GA releases. This has helped us to build a robust software package, the result of which is 2UDA 9.5.
2UDA 9.5 is available to download here.
You’ll also find more details about the 2UDA project, including a tutorial to download.
pglogical Released
Oxford, United Kingdom – January 01, 2016
2ndQuadrant, the leading developers of PostgreSQL, is delighted to announce the availability of pglogical – the next generation in replication systems for PostgreSQL.
pglogical offers Logical Replication as a PostgreSQL extension, which provides the flexibility of trigger-based replication with the efficiency of log-based replication. This ground-breaking new technology has benefits for many key use cases
- UPGRADE Upgrade PostgreSQL from 9.4 to 9.5, without downtime
- SCALE OUT Copy all or a selection of database tables to other nodes in a cluster
- AGGREGATE Accumulate changes from sharded database servers into a Data Warehouse
- INTEGRATE Feed database changes in real-time to other systems
- PROTECT Provide backup or high availability for clusters, replacing earlier technologies
Early feedback shows this is a popular and important new feature for PostgreSQL and is expected to further drive the adoption of Postgres within larger enterprises.
Existing PostgreSQL users will find the efficiency of pglogical particularly exciting with preliminary testing demonstrating a significant increase in transaction throughput (without lag) over other replication methods. In our test pglogical performed up to 5 times faster than Slony and Londiste3 on OLTP workloads using pgBench. More details on the test results are available here.
pglogical is open source and available for download as binary packages for both the current stable release PostgreSQL 9.4 and the soon to be announced PostgreSQL 9.5 version. Click here for more details.
2ndQuadrant’s respected 24/7 Production Support provides the fastest and highest rated response service for PostgreSQL anywhere and is available now worldwide.
2ndQuadrant leads the drive for improving the enterprise functionality for PostgreSQL, contributing major features every year for more than 10 years in performance, replication, business intelligence and usability.
2UDA RC1 Released
Oxford, United Kingdom – December 18, 2015
2ndQuadrant is pleased to announce the release of the RC1 version of 2UDA (2ndQuadrant Unified Data Analytics). 2UDA is a data analytics application suite that unifies databases, spreadsheets, data mining and visualisation in one seamless desktop installer.
This new release continues to provide easy installation of three open source applications for visual data analysis: PostgreSQL 9.5 RC1, Orange 3.2. and LibraOffice 5.0, which together offer a powerful combination of database, data visualization and spreadsheet in a single, easy-to-use package.
Following the initial release of 2UDA Beta 1 back in October and subsequent release of Beta 2 in November, the development team have continued to make lots of improvements, creating a highly stable product and fixing all of the bugs discovered to date.
Significant improvements to Orange address the requests for additional features and now include:
- A ‘Report’ button that can prepare reports of performed analyses.
- Data loading from Google Sheets URLs
- New widgets added: Distance Transformation, Random Forest Regression, Regression Tree, Regression Tree Graph.
For more details on all the new features and enhancements, refer to the release notes .
We are particularly appreciative of the people trialling 2UDA and providing valuable feedback to the development team, for both the beta 1 release and more recently beta 2. This is helping us build a robust software package ahead of GA in January 2016. We encourage everyone to continue to test 2UDA as new versions are released and give us your feedback.
2UDA RC1 is available to download here.
You’ll also find more details about the 2UDA project, including a tutorial to download.
Release notes can be viewed here.
Release notes for PostgreSQL 9.5 RCI can be viewed here.
Oxford, United Kingdom – November 16, 2015
2ndQuadrant is pleased to pre-announce pglogical – the next generation in replication systems for PostgreSQL.
pglogical is a logical replication system implemented entirely as a PostgreSQL extension. Fully integrated, it requires no triggers or external programs. This alternative to physical replication is a highly efficient method of replicating data using a publish/subscribe model for selective replication.
Logical streaming replication allows database managers to:
- UPGRADE Upgrade PostgreSQL from 9.4 to 9.5, without downtime
- SCALE OUT Copy all or a selection of database tables to other nodes in a cluster
- AGGREGATE Accumulate changes from sharded database servers into a Data Warehouse
- INTEGRATE Feed database changes in real-time to other systems
- PROTECT Provide backup or high availability for clusters, alongside or instead of Physical Streaming Replication
Having pioneered replication functionality in PostgreSQL for a number of years, this announcement follows our earlier announcement (and successful launch) of bi-direction replication (BDR), this time providing a user-level data replication solution and an alternative to full master-master replication.
pglogical will be a feature topic of 2ndQuadrant’s appearance at PGConf Silicon Valley (Nov. 17 -18), and will be complemented by a training session run by one of our consultants, Petr Jelinek on the first day of this conference. We will also be talking about pglogical at our booth in the exhibition area.
More details here.
BDR version 0.9.3 released
Oxford, United Kingdom – October 28, 2015
Version 0.9.3 is a maintenance release focused on stability. Significant improvements to BDR and UDR in this release include:
- Fix bdr_internal_sequence_reset_cache on UDR (#132)
- Ignore bdr.bdr_connections rows where node is dropped (#97, #50, #126)
- Compatibility improvements for upgrading from 0.7.3
More details on BDR can be found here.
There are no compatibility-affecting changes in this release.
PostgreSQL 9.5 boosted by €1M EU funding
Oxford, United Kingdom – October 22, 2015
The development of PostgreSQL, recently released as version 9.5 Beta, has benefited from EU funding thanks to 2ndQuadrant’s dedicated work and co-ordination of a major research project called AXLE. 2ndQuadrant facilitates the development of scalable, open source PostgreSQL and is a world leader in PostgreSQL support services.
The research initiative received €1million in R&D funding from an EU FP7 grant and has served as a catalyst for development of the PostgreSQL platform, which will continue to have a profound effect on its integration at an enterprise level.
As the three year project comes to conclusion next month, the team at 2ndQuadrant will have contributed more than 10 man years of effort towards enhancing PostgreSQL through the AXLE Project. More details here.
AXLE (Advanced Analytics for Extremely Large European Databases) has brought together a diverse group of researchers covering hardware, database kernel and visualization experts all focused on solving the needs of extremely large data analysis. With PostgreSQL at the heart of the project, the goal was to produce positive outcomes that could benefit many – in this case several new advanced features which will make their way into PostgreSQL in the next and subsequent releases.
“We’ve got a strong team, and we’re committed to the future development of PostgreSQL,” said Simon Riggs, CTO at 2ndQuadrant and Principal Investigator for the AXLE project. “To have advanced in key areas over the past 36 months demonstrates the power funding can have on a collaborative project like this. There will be several new open source software products released – in addition to the contributions we’ll make to Postgres – as a result of the work we’ve done with our partners on the AXLE project. And it’s just the start.”
Specific to PostgreSQL, the outcomes include atomic locking, Block Range indexes, DDL triggers and the TABLESAMPLE feature – a feature demonstrated in action with the recent launch of a data analytics application suite called 2UDA (, which unifies databases, spreadsheets, data mining and visualisation in one seamless desktop installer.
Thanks to AXLE, 2ndQuadrant has pushed forward the development of row level security and auditing, as well as developing logical replication to the point where the company will offer zero-downtime major release upgrades. Work also continues on Hybrid Row/Column Storage and many improvements in query optimization functionality.
The project has also helped the development of Postgres-XL, a scalable PostgreSQL-based database cluster that aids better access to data for business intelligence and business analytics, plus scale out across multiple nodes.
AXLE has also breathed life into Postgres-XL 9.5, a scalable PostgreSQL-based database cluster that allows both business intelligence and transactional workloads. Postgres-XL is the first open source project to offer these capabilities and is developed communally by 2ndQuadrant, Huawei, NTT and a growing community, with active users in US, EU and Asia.
To deliver against the AXLE project’s objectives, 2ndQuadrant has attracted the industry’s top talent over the past three years. This team of top gun developers will continue to drive progress once the project concludes, developing the features requested by the many major companies worldwide who have now committed to using ‘pure open source’ PostgreSQL for their enterprise deployments
2UDA Beta 1 released
Oxford, United Kingdom – October 13, 2015
After launching 2UDA back in August, we’re pleased to announce the release of the Beta (1) version of our unified analytics suite.
2UDA (which stands for 2ndQuadrant Unified Data Analytics) is a data analytics application suite that unifies databases, spreadsheets, data mining and visualisation in one seamless desktop installer.
As part of a continuous development program, this new release features a number of major changes which include:
- Incorporated PostgreSQL 9.5 Beta1 release
- Incorporated latest code for Orange3
- Include and install PostgreSQL extensions required by new Orange widgets
- Add ability to upgrade existing installation for future releases
Of particular interest is the use of the ‘tablesample’ feature of PostgreSQL 9.5, which 2UDA project lead Umair Shahid has created an interesting blog about
the latest version of 2UDA and get involved in the project by providing your valuable user experience and general feedback.
2UDA Alpha 2 released
Oxford, United Kingdom – August 19, 2015.
Enhanced alpha release of new data analytics application available.
2ndQuadrant is pleased to announce further enhancements to 2UDA (pronounced ‘Tudor’), our new data analytics application suite currently under development, and available to try now.
This second alpha release brings a number of enhancements and product updates, based on user feedback and the continuous development of the core applications 2UDA unifies:
- PostgreSQL server daemon is now an OS service (named « org.2ndQ.2UDA.postgres-9.5 ») on OS X
- PostgreSQL server daemon is now an OS service (named « 2uda-postgresql-9.5 ») on Linux (tested on Ubuntu 14.04, CentOS 7, openSUSE 13.2, & Fedora 22)
- Windows installer is now certified from Microsoft and signed digitally
- Latest PostgreSQL 9.5 after its Alpha 2 release has been included. Details of changes are listed
- Latest Orange 3 has been included. This version uses the new tablesample patch in PostgreSQL rather than relying on blocksample extension.
- Latest LibreOffice 5 has been included.
- The installer now checks for server readiness before loading sample database. This prevents a bug where sample data got loaded while the server was still consolidating its connections.
- Other small bugs and tweaks.
2UDA is a data analytics application suite that unifies databases, spreadsheets, data mining and data visualisation in one seamless desktop installer.
Available to download now, 2UDA is packaged and ready to install with a choice of operating systems: Linux, OSX and Windows.
Although primarily aimed at Data Analysts and Data Scientists, we encourage trial participation from developers and DBAs at this stage of the product development, to help us improve the function and user experience for all users.
2ndQuadrant Teams with IBM z Systems to Offer World’s first commercial PostgreSQL technical support service
Oxford, United Kingdom – August 17, 2015.
PostgreSQL Production Support on IBM z Systems Announced
2ndQuadrant announced today the world’s first commercial technical support service for PostgreSQL on Linux for the IBM z Systems mainframe, giving organizations a faster and more efficient way for working with large amounts of data with the world’s leading open-source database.
PostgreSQL on IBM z Systems provides clients who run mission-critical databases with a compelling offering by delivering new levels of speed, security and availability. As part of its commitment to open-source software, IBM unveiled this week a new LinuxONE portfolio of computing systems based on the z Systems mainframe that features the industry’s fastest processor, up to 10 terabytes of memory and the flexibility to use popular open-source software, including PostgreSQL.
“As organizations turn to open-source software for their most important functions, they also need computing systems that can meet these demands and deliver higher levels of performance,” said Ross Mauri, General Manager for IBM z Systems. “Thanks to our work with 2ndQuadrant, organizations can combine the flexibility, cost advantages and rich features of PostgreSQL with the world-class performance of IBM LinuxONE to handle large amounts of data even faster and gain insights in time to take meaningful actions.”
As the world’s leading authority on the open source PostgreSQL RDBMS, 2ndQuadrant has been working closely with engineers at IBM, and has successfully tested and optimised PostgreSQL to run on several Linux distros and produced z System-tuned packages.
As part of the optimisation program, 2ndQuadrant evaluated PostgreSQL 9.4 running on IBM z System infrastructure against a comparable Intel Haswell-based system with an OLTP type workload and achieved significant performance gains, including an increase of 2.6 times on read-only transactions.
More details on these results and other performance statistics can be found at here.
“I’m excited we’re able to bring the cost-effective power of PostgreSQL to the world beating z Systems platform, supported with the level of robustness, performance and security that customers demand,” said Simon Riggs, Founder and CTO of 2ndQuadrant. “This announcement brings new breakthrough capability to the system that underpins the transactions of the global economy. »
2ndQuadrant will continue to work with IBM on future releases of PostgreSQL.
The ‘Platinum Production Support for z/Linux’ offers users of IBM’s z System the reassurance of one of the best enterprise-class support offerings available from any vendor, with 24/7 coverage and guarantees of 15 minute response, 4 hour work-around and 24 hour bug fix for severity 1 issues with PostgreSQL.
More details about this new service are available here.
Media enquiries:
Jenny Norman
On +44 (0)1223 781220
BDR 0.9.2 and BDR-PostgreSQL 9.4.4 released
Oxford, United Kingdom – July 08, 2015.
Version 0.9.2 of the BDR (Bi-Directional Replication) extension for PostgreSQL has been released.
This is a maintenance release in the current stable 0.9.x series, focused on bug fixes, stability and usability improvements. In particular bdr_init_copy, the pg_basebackup-based node bring-up tool, is significantly improved in this update.
This release also updates the BDR-patched version of PostgreSQL itself to version 9.4.4.
Sources and RPMs (for RHEL and CentOS 6 and 7, Fedora 21 and 22) are available. Debian/Ubuntu packages will be pushed to the repository soon.
As before, the sources will build and run fine on any Linux/BSD or on Mac OS X, but do not currently support Windows.
See the release notes for more details on what has changed in this release.
For further information on BDR, click here.
Earlier News
PostgreSQL 9.5 (Alpha Release) available.
The PostgreSQL Global Development Group has announced that the alpha release of PostgreSQL 9.5, the latest version of the world’s leading open source database, is available today, 02 July 2015 This release contains previews of all of the features which will be available in the final release of version 9.5, although some details will change before then.
Major Features
Among new major features available for testing in this alpha are:
- Block-Range Indexes (BRIN) which enable compact indexing of very large tables
- Large speed improvements in in-memory sorting and hashing
- Automated management of transaction log size
- INSERT ON CONFLICT UPDATE, otherwise known as « UPSERT »
- Grouping Sets, CUBE and ROLLUP analytic operations
- Row-Level Security (RLS) support
- More JSONB data manipulation functions and operators
- Added the pg_rewind tool and other high availability improvements to replication
- Multiple enhancements to Foreign Data Wrappers, including
- Large increases in multi-core and large memory scalability
Help Test for Bugs
As with other major releases, the improvements in PostgreSQL include changes to large amounts of code. We count on everyone to test the altered version with your workloads and testing tools in order to find bugs and regressions before the release of PostgreSQL 9.5.0. In addition to testing that the new features work as documented, consider testing the following:
- Do the improvements in sorting and general performance actually increase performance in your application?
- Do our code changes cause PostgreSQL to not function on your platform?
- We’ve made changes to the transaction log, including compression. Does failover and disaster recovery still work as expected?
- Do the changes in operator precedence change the results of your queries?
- Does RLS work correctly to secure your data?
As this is an Alpha, changes to database behaviors, feature details, and APIs are still possible. Your feedback and testing will help determine the final tweaks on the new features, so test soon. The quality of user testing helps determine when we can make a final release.
Alpha and Beta Schedule
This is the alpha release of version 9.5, indicating that some changes to features are still possible before release. The PostgreSQL Project will release 9.5 beta 1 in August, and then periodically release additional betas as required for testing until the final release in late 2015. For more information, and suggestions on how to test the alpha and betas, see the Beta Testing page.
Full documentation and release notes of the new version is available online and also installs with PostgreSQL. Also see the What’s New page for details on some features.
Downloads Page:
Alpha Testing Information:
9.5 Alpha Release Notes:
What’s New in 9.5:
Announcement – BDR 0.9.0 released
Announcement – BDR 0.9.0 released
Oxford, United Kingdom – March 27, 2015.
2ndQuadrant, the leading open source developer of PostgreSQL is delighted to announce the release of BDR 0.9.0, introducing some significant new features and enhancements to this open source PostgreSQL replication solution. These include:
- Dynamic SQL-level configuration of connections between nodes
- Joining new nodes no longer requires restarting all nodes
- Easy node removal
- UDR (Uni-Directional Replication)
- Replication Sets
- Documentation expanded and moved into the source tree
More details on each of these improvements are explained at
One of the most significant enhancements in the latest release is the introduction of Dynamic Configuration, which eliminates the need to restart any of the nodes during the node join or removal process, and cluster configuration can be done via plain SQL interfaces.
0.9.0 also features Replication Sets for the first time. Replication Sets allow admins to specify sets of tables that each node should receive changes on. It is now possible to exclude tables that are not of interest to a particular node, or to include only a subset of tables for replication to a node.
Replication sets can be used for data distribution, for data integration and for limited sharding.
Introducing UDR
With this release, we’re also announcing a lighter version of BDR called UDR (Uni-Directional Replication) which brings the primary-standby logical replication solution for the unmodified release of PostgreSQL 9.4. With UDR you get the same performance of native logical replication as BDR (as it does not require any triggers).There is also no need to run and monitor external deamons because it runs inside the PostgreSQL server itself. UDR brings all the advantages of logical replication like replication sets or the ability to use temporary or unlogged tables on the receiving side but with no query cancels for replication. This makes reporting from read-replicas much easier.
These latest enhancement bring even greater flexibility to users looking for an efficient method to manage distributed multi-node PostgreSQL databases.
For more details about the BDR Project, including links to documentation, packages, manuals and a start-up guide, visit
BDR provides asynchronous multi-master logical replication. This means that you can write to any server and the changes will, after they have been committed, be sent row-by-row to all the other servers that are part of the same BDR group. BDR offers a far more efficient method of handling schema changes safely with a lower overhead than trigger based solutions.
BDR is an open source extension to PostgreSQL developed by 2ndQuadrant and is available to download for free. 2ndQuadrant offers consulting services to help organisations with multi-master friendly application development, conflict handler design, cluster design, deployment, feature development and performance analysis.
About 2ndQuadrant
2ndQuadrant is the leading independent sponsor and developer of PostgreSQL, providing professional services and technical support to Postgres users. A Major Sponsor of the PostgreSQL development project, the company has one of the largest teams of core committers, developers and database experts contributing to the continued enhancement of the worlds most advanced open source database. With headquarters in the UK and teams in every continent around the world, 2ndQuadrant provides global coverage to assist organisations of every size and is trusted by the companies you trust.
18 December 2014: PostgreSQL 9.4 Released.
The latest version of PostgreSQL 9.4 has been officially released, bringing some eagerly anticipated new features and enhancements to the world’s most advanced open source database.
Major enhancements in PostgreSQL 9.4 include:
- Allow materialized views to be refreshed without blocking reads
- Add support for logical decoding of WAL data, to allow database changes to be streamed out in a customizable format
- Allow background worker processes to be dynamically registered, started and terminated
- Add jsonb, a more capable and efficient data type for storing JSON data
- Add new SQL command ALTER SYSTEM for updating postgresql.conf configuration file entries
- Reduce lock strength for some ALTER TABLE commands
The above items are explained in detail by clicking on the highlighted text. You can also learn more by visiting the documentation here.
2ndQuadrant staff are available to assist organisations to upgrade to the 9.4. Simply contact [email protected] for an initial discussion, advice and availability of services.
PostgreSQL Global Development Group Announcement
18 DECEMBER 2014: The PostgreSQL Global Development Group announces the release of PostgreSQL 9.4, the latest version of the world’s leading open source database system. This release adds many new features which enhance PostgreSQL’s flexibility, scalability and performance for many different types of database users, including improvements to JSON support, replication and index performance.
Read the full announcement here.
7 November 2014: Prize draw winners
Six lucky delegates at the recent PGConf Europe left Madrid happy, each winning a Tablet from the 2ndQuadrant prize draw held during the conference. Congratulations to Greg, Achilleas, Oleksii, Torsten, Emma and Raphael – we hope you enjoy using your new tablets and we’re sorry we didn’t get a chance to load PG 9.4 for you all 😉
PGConf Europe was once again a hugely successful event, with a new record achieved for attendance. Those of us based in the Northern hemisphere were particularly grateful for the last dose of warm sunshine before winter! You can read more about the event from Josette Garcia, our Community Manager’s point of view, on our blog.
Next year’s conference location was also confirmed – the Vienna Marriott Hotel, Vienna, Austria, 27th-30th October 2015. More details at
Feedback now in
Feedback from PGConf EU is now available to view (nice to see 2ndQuadrant speakers amongst the highest rated) – more details here.
(Pictured above are four of the lucky six winners)
5 September 2014 – Packages now available for PostgreSQL 9.4 + BDR 0.7.1
As part of our continuous development programme, beta RPM packages are now available for PostgreSQL 9.4 + BDR 0.7.1 [here].
1 September 2014 – Two new US-based industry experts join the team
2ndQuadrant expansion continues with the exciting news that two new US-based staff join our team: Mark Wong and Henry (Hank) Hotz, CISSP.
Mark is based in Portland, Oregon and joins us with an array of experience in tuning and performance, starting his career at Sequent (long since acquired by IBM) with his last role at Emma, an email marketing provider.
Hank is our first connection to space travel, joining us from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab! Hank’s had a fascinating career featuring 5 different space missions, including close encounters with a couple of asteroids, and all the planets except Mercury, and Pluto! Hank is a Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP).
The appointment of these two industry stars affirms our continued commitment to build a team of the highest calibre of industry professionals with world-class expertise and skills.
Press Release
11 July 2014 – 2ndQuadrant Ltd, United Kingdom
Asynchronous multi-master replication for PostgreSQL announced.
Asynchronous multi-master replication for leading open source database system, PostgreSQL, moves to a new era of reliability and efficiency with the public announcement of Bi-Directional Replication (BDR). Created by the leading PostgreSQL developer, 2ndQuadrant, BDR is the first of several replication technologies the company will announce this year to dramatically enhance the replication possibilities of PostgreSQL. Features of BDR have (and will continue to be)moved into future releases of PostgreSQL. A key part of 2ndQuadrant’s central ethos to develop code that all users of PostgreSQL can benefit from.
The company has a long history of advancing the development of PostgreSQL in general and has contributed a number of notable improvements to replication features.
2ndQuadrant’s CTO, Simon Riggs, commented: “BDR is a major enhancement to replication design. With up to 48 master nodes supported, it offers a significant opportunity to reduce the overhead and headaches experienced with previous approaches to replication. For any organisation with distributed PostgreSQL databases replicated across multiple master nodes, BDR should be seriously considered.”
BDR is available as open source software, direct from 2ndQuadrant, with consultancy and support contracts available to ensure users can successfully design and implement a stable replicated environment. 2ndQuadrant’s Production Support service provides direct help from the development team behind BDR.
In contrast to many existing solutions, BDR handles DDL (schema changes) safely and has a much lower overhead. It does not rely on using triggers to collect changes and insert them into a queue table. Instead BDR processes the WAL using the logical decoding mechanism – developed by 2ndQuadrant for version 9.4 of PostgreSQL (9.4 is currently in beta, with general release set for September 2014).
Performance benchmarks have produced some impressive results, with BDR outperforming alternative replication solutions by a significant margin. A summary of the benchmarks is available at
2ndQuadrant announced BDR to delegates at the recent CHAR(14) (08.07.2014), an annual event organised by the UK PostgreSQL User Group, with positive enthusiasm from the audience. The company has been working with a number of early adopter clients, including BullionByPost®, anda leading antivirus software developer, to fine tune and evaluate BDR in demanding environments, ahead of this announcement.
BullionByPost® the UK’s leading on-line gold bullion dealer, is using BDR to create a highly resilient, highly available 2 node replicated environment, which underpins this web-based business. With the potential loss of revenue at stake from a failed replication, the company takes availability very seriously and has been impressed with benefits BDR offers.
Press Release: 27 May 2014
2ndQuadrant helps Met Office with data migration to open source
Global PostgreSQL experts are helping the UK Met Office with its groundbreaking transition to open source software.
2ndQuadrant is providing training, support and consultancy as the UK’s National Weather Service seeks the best value alternatives to proprietary database technology solutions.
The announcement comes after two pilot projects went into production in April when the Met Office’s locations management database (Strabo) and LIDAR (light detector) data capture system were reimplemented into PostgreSQL and PostGIS.
James Tomkins, data services portfolio technical lead at the Met Office, commented: “Making data accessible and available is at the forefront of our ICT strategy so, following some refreshingly comprehensive training delivered by 2ndQuadrant experts deeply immersed in the PostgreSQL community, we trust them to help us support the software which stores our vast quantities of data.
“This is a titanic task which requires considerable investment in terms of time and training but, in the long run, simplifying our databases in this way will be cost effective.”
2ndQuadrant is already undertaking the training of considerable numbers of Met Office staff in all aspects of PostgreSQL, covering backup and recovery, high availability data replication and geospatial maturity.
2ndQuadrant’s marketing lead, Howard Rolph, said: “The Met Office is one of a number of high profile clients across the globe we’re helping to break free from paying unnecessary licence fees to store and manage their data.
“The tide has definitely turned in favour of free and open source software in large organisations, who see products like PostgreSQL as a real alternative to proprietary software. The availability of enterprise-class support has changed the game.”
2ndQuadrant has successfully renewed its tender on the government procurement portal G-Cloud 5. It remains one of only two companies which can provide PostgreSQL support, training and consultancy to the public sector in this way. This meets two of the Cabinet Office’s objectives, helping the public sector embrace open source where it is the best value for money, and the promotion of working with SMEs.
For more information about 2ndQuadrant and PostgreSQL, please visit
Press enquiries: Please email [email protected] or call 01223 781220.
About 2ndQuadrant
2ndQuadrant boasts the largest global collective of experts in PostgreSQL support, training, development, migration and consultancy, enabling businesses to break free from database licence fees for good.
2ndQuadrant provides a wide range of training courses from Introductory to Advanced levels, hosted by major contributors to the user community. Platinum Product Support customers are guaranteed a response within 15 minutes of their initial enquiry from a specialist with an unparalleled depth and breadth of knowledge.
About the Met Office
The Met Office is the UK’s National Weather Service, providing 24×7 world-renowned scientific excellence in weather, climate and environmental forecasts and severe weather warnings for the protection of life and property.