2ndQuadrant speaks at PostgreSQL sessions
On the 22nd of September I attended the 8th edition of the PostgreSQL sessions, a conference in Lyon organised by Dalibo and Oslandia, as a speaker.
The conference was centered around PostgreSQL and PostGIS, and I had the honor to announce the imminent release of Barman version 2.0.
I was really excited about the opportunity of speaking in front of a PostgreSQL community in France, and as a “disaster recovery evangelist” I was able to explain the importance of a disaster recovery plan and how to react like a hero when the disaster strikes in my talk titled “Step Up and Face the Disaster”.
Special thanks to Guillaume Lelarge for proclaiming me “the super hero of 2ndQuadrant Italy” during the conference with this tweet:
Giulio Calacoci, super hero de @2ndquadrant_it, parle de sauvegardes et de barman à #pgsession pic.twitter.com/PDtcq4immv
— Guillaume Lelarge (@g_lelarge) 22 settembre 2016
I was not the only “non French” speaker at the conference, with me there was my colleague and friend Giuseppe Broccolo and also Tom van Tilburg from Geodan. Giuseppe gave a talk with Julien Rouhaud of Dalibo about the use of BRIN indexes on geospatial databases; helping the community understand how to improve the performance of their databases using the newest type of index introduced in PostgreSQL. Tom van Tilburg spoke about the experience of Geodan in transitioning from Pointclouds and vectordata to 3D models using PostgreSQL, describing the awesome work done mapping the Netherlands. The speakers proposed a lot of interesting talks:
- Paul Leroux of Sixmon described the use of JSONB in the real world, explaining how to close the gap between NoSQL and relational databases, which I thoroughly appreciated being a developer myself.
- Tachoires Julien of Dalibo presented Temboard, a web app that allows the management of one (or more) PostgreSQL servers using a web interface.
- Ludovic Delauné from Oslandia talked about the usage of Pointcluouds and how they are used inside a PostGis database.
- Nicolas Ribot, independent consultant, explained how to use parallelization to handle geo-spatial data.
- Olivier Courtin of Oslandia, explained the advance usage of PostGIS for spatial analysis.
Clôture de la 8ème #pgsession, merci aux orateurs pic.twitter.com/HS7402CbJ2 — Carole ARNAUD (@pg_krol) 22 settembre 2016
I am exceptionally grateful to Virginie Jourdan of Dalibo, the woman behind the organisation of the entire conference, for helping me and Giuseppe organise our trip to Lyon. She did an exceptional job from start to finish!
This was an awesome experience, and I’m really looking forward to participating in the next edition!
The video of talk is now available on Youtube: